Tuesday, December 09, 2014


TheChristmas Season  came slowly and lightly to 
Highpoint Circle this year.

Coming off of a major remodel made us desire a calmer
Five tubs of decorations are not coming out this year
and it feels wonderful...
Like a cleansing of the house.

And so the calmness of the 
shines brighter
we are enjoying it more thoroughly.

Next year may be different
maybe this is the start of something new for us...

This tree skirt is from the window treatments that came down this year.

I've been putting tags on ornaments that people give us
so I will remember who gave it and the year it was given.
The tags fit my style and I love the remembrance each year.

A trick to highlight special ornaments.

Hope your season is allowing for quiet moments by your tree
with a cup of tea and, perhaps, a good book.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by.
Till next time...

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  1. I too chose to put up less décor for the holidays, and the shimmer of lights and glimmer from the chosen ornaments really stand out. This year less is really more... more than enough. Hope your holidays are blessed with family, friends and good memories.

    1. Thanks for sharing your kindred spirit and encouragement. Merry Christmas!

  2. Hi Robin. I'm so glad your kitchen remodel is complete. It's beautiful. And your tree is stunning. Ron and I are going with the less is more idea this year. Merry Christmas to you and Cody.

    1. What a surprise to see your comment! Love it. Thanks for stopping by and hope your kitchen remodel goes very well! Merry Christmas to you and Ron too!


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