Green. Spring. Ferns. Yes, ferns. That is what happens at this house. The ferns in the garden start to emerge and the ferns in the house come out. Seems only natural. The ferns remind us of Spring and the house and the yard come back to green from their winter slumber with the arrival of the ferns. It starts out with a small fern in the house...

Not a fern, the ivy outside is returning to it's lustrious green and so it does inside too.
On a bedroom mantle too!
On a night table
On an end table in a reading nook
Outside the beds are waking up and sometimes the ferns decide where they will grow this year. We enjoy the surprises of nature...sometimes...sometimes we have to say no.
This one seems okay for today
Happy with the hostas
This is the spot where the love of ferns began with a common woodland fern from my Grandmother's yard in Keota, Oklahoma. My father brought one home and it multiplied and he gave us one. Isn't that just the kind of story you like to read? I love a history, whether it is about furniture, plants or people. The other ferns have been purchased locally from a man who grows ferns and sells them at the Farmers Market. He is a jolly man and he really knows and loves ferns. We went on a garden tour and wound up at this man's home garden--it was a fern wonderland. It is fun to talk to him about his passion. Again, a story to be heard.
Thanks for reading again today. Enjoy your Spring and share it with me, if you'd like. Comments are now open to anyone and you can comment anonymously if you'd like. As Richard Carlson one said, "Choose being kind over being right and you'll be right every time."
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