Monday, March 13, 2017


Yes, sad to say, I am frightfully slow at getting some things done.  I've been wanting a cushion for this window seat for 22 years!  BUT, the good news is I never lost sight of my goal and now I've done it!  Yeah!  Applause might be in order here.

The path to this goal was not smooth either.  I taped the window seat to get it ready for painting and panicked for months (yes, maybe three months) over whether to sand before starting, whether to prime before applying the paint, whether to use a liquid sander, etc.  Every thought to keep me from moving on with this job entered my mind.  The blue painter's tape became part of the decor for a long time BUT finally I just jumped.  I primed the lids on top that lift with two coats of oil-based primer (NEVER AGAIN) and then put two coats of water-based enamel paint on top of that.  For the body of the project, I went straight to paint and applied three coats of the water-based enamel.  

Here's the beauty before the cushion...

The water-based enamel had a self-leveling factor to the paint and the finish (without sanding between coats) is quite smooth.  I love this Sherwin-Williams paint and have used it on my kitchen island and it wore like cast iron.

Now getting the cushion made was another story, and you all know every blogger loves to tell a story!  So, here it is...

I called my upholsterer and everything was going great until she quoted me the price of the foam.  It was more than the labor to make the cushion!  I immediately went to the internet to try to find the foam at a lower price and was successful.  BUT, not satisfied, I went to my local Joann Fabric store with my trusty coupon and found it about 60% cheaper than my upholsterer quoted me.  It was fortunate for me that the upholsterer encouraged me to shop around for a deal on the foam!  I ordered the fabric online and VIOLA my dream of 22 years came to life.  I smile every time I walk by the room!  I will add more pillows as I find them or attempt to make a few and this project will continue to evolve, as every house does.

So, my friends, don't let time make you think it's too late to do your projects.  In some regards, it is good to dream about them for a long time and let them percolate.  Thanks for reading!

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