Tuesday, January 13, 2015


First off, HAPPY NEW YEAR!  

It's been a very long time since I've checked in with you and the reason was not the busyness of the  Christmas season.  I have been fighting a lung infection since December 11th that left me with a cracked rib and a small hernia.  I am a lot better, but battered and bruised for sure. I've definitely missed you and am happy to be writing again, although I haven't been doing any projects.  Drat!

So, I'm looking through my picture files and culling them for things I might have kept from you, inadvertently, of course.   Here are some of the results...

I live in Wichita, Kansas, home of the Wichita State Shockers!  On that campus is some of the best outdoor sculpture anywhere.  It is so varied and I never tire of taking a stroll around the campus.  I chose this picture because of Valentine's Day coming soon.

It was done by Robert Indiana in 1980.  The artist never copyrighted the image and saw little to gain by doing so.  It is one of the most recognizable images in modern culture!

This is a conductor's light that was for sale at an estate sale I attended.  I will be forever sorry that I did not purchase this item.  It haunts me that I didn't buy it.  I would love to own it.  I would make up all kinds of stories to myself about this magical piece and its history.  Yeah, I do that...  In my defense, it was very expensive and anything over $50 at an estate sale always makes me pause.  I did go back, but it was gone, gone, gone.

Switching gears, this is a gorgeous bed made-up with gorgeous linens from Nell Hill, a shop in KC.  I am having a love affair with black and white right now and this ticks all my boxes for beautiful.  Do you love it?  What your current favorite color combo?

This is my favorite picture of myself with friends in 2014.  With the exception of four of the women pictured, I have known the others since middle school or high school and we make it a priority to get together a few times a year.  This was a luncheon to support our friend with the flowers on the death of her husband.  She is one of the most cheerful, positive people I know.  

So this post begins and ends with LOVE.  Writing today makes me feel well and I need to do normal things and heal.  I LOVE that you stopped by!

Thanks for the visit, take care.  Till next time...


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