Friday, August 08, 2014


Last week was one of the more frustrating weeks I've had in a long time.  Sorry to be "Debi Downer", but it just was.  Hopefully, you know, that if I'm posting about it, it must have been a doozie!

what a difference a visit (or a phone call from a friend) can make.  This visit made my day and my blood pressure a whole lot better.

Background:  I was locked out of the house from the deck and had to go to the garage at the front of the house.  While I was there I thought I'd water a planter on the porch.  I walked to the porch and thought, "I don't remember a garden statue on that rock."  I turned to look and there was this little rabbit AND he wasn't the least bit afraid of me!  We stared in disbelief at each other and decided to spend some time together on a lovely summer's evening.

It was a rare instant of something wild knowing I meant no harm and I was, in fact, grateful for a suspended moment before life went on.

So...I sat and looked at my little friend, sure he would hop at any moment BUT he didn't.

Because it felt so good to be near him and know he wasn't afraid, I talked to him.   Afterwards I felt more calm than I had in weeks.

It was wonderful to be out of "kitchen planning" mode and all of the associated problems with any major remodel and just empty myself for a bit.

Thanks for the visit little buddy.
Don't stay away too long, okay.

Thanks for reading and sticking with me through my irregular posting schedule.  I appreciate it more than you know!  Go outside and breathe deeply....

Linking Up With


  1. Hang in there, Robin! You'll look back on this (when you can enjoy and admire your new kitchen) and still remember your new friend on the rock! You can tell your grandchildren all about this and show them the pictures! Love, Carol

  2. Thanks for your visit Carol. I always appreciate the support you give.


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