Thursday, October 31, 2013


Just a quick little post to wish you all a happy Halloween and say goodbye to October.  Does it feel like the holidays are about to happen to you?  I love the excitement of that feeling--family gathering, planning the perfect turkey (never happens), planning the perfect Christmas Tree (never satisfied with it)...  I still love everything the season ahead holds and am seriously thinking about getting my Christmas decorations out and just having a look...  It doesn't ruin Thanksgiving for me because I am so excited about everything that will happen preparing for it and Christmas

Being someone who loves design, I do always miss the decorations that I am putting away BUT I know I will be excited next year to open my plastic bins and see them with new eyes, even though some of them are very old.  It's fun to refresh the memories and revisit the people that surrounded them.

So, goodbye October.  Welcome November and all the joy that it will bring with the gatherings, friends, and activities.  I'm so ready to just jump in I can hardly wait.  Here we go...


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