Tuesday, April 09, 2013


Once upon a time, a young princess brought her mother a lovely egg
from the land of Prague.

Her mother treasured such a fine gift BUT soon the egg lay in
pieces.  The result of a "Humpty-Dumpty" fall.

Because all of the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put
Humpty-Dumpty back together again, the princess' mother
didn't think she could put the egg back together again either.

But because of the "preciousness" of the gift, the mother put the
pieces of the little egg in a drawer where they would not be disturbed,
where other "preciousness" was kept, and the mother would
open the drawer and stare with a cringe at the pieces
and was thankful for such a thoughtful gift.

Many years later while the mother was staring into the drawer,
she envisioned the egg as a puzzle
and carefully imagined the delicate
pieces as a whole.

Then, something amazing happened as the pieces snuggled
together--through the broken pieces, the light shined

The little egg was now a beacon of light.
The story of the egg was now complete.

So now the story of Humpty-Dumpty was proven wrong.
He needed his mother to put him back together again!

Author's Note:  This little egg will now reside in the china cabinet with the other treasures.
          Thanks for reading! 

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  1. what a beautiful egg, so sad it broke you would never know, it look perfect, love that egg..

  2. How sweet that you held onto the pieces for so long and then set out to put it back together! The egg is even more precious now as a gift of love and a labour of love.

  3. A precious lesson, also, for LIFE.

    Your story reminded me of Kintsugi, the Japanese technique of fixing broken pottery.

    Thank you for sharing, Robin.

  4. Good Afternoon Robin, Oh how sad it is when something you love is broken, but what a good idea to put the pieces away for another day. The blue and white egg is beautiful and looks like new.
    Have a lovely day,

  5. I'm so glad you were able to put it back together! Now it's in a safe place!

  6. Oh...I so loved the story and so happy that you were able to put it back together....it is absolutely gorgeous!!! A beautiful treasure and memory.

  7. Cute story! I'm glad you got it put back together! I have a broken one I've saved thinking I may be able to fix it too!

  8. what a beautiful egg its just not all cracked up its to be looks to me as if there was no crack great job
    come see what I shared at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  9. You give me hope for saved broken treasures that I have. GREAT repair job.


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