Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Flower Power

My hometown of Wichita, Kansas is blessed with a wonderful place called Botanica.  This year we also received an early Spring accompanied with nourishing rains and the result in the garden is spectacular--but then, I think every Spring in Kansas is spectacular.  

On my most recent visit, the iris and the peonies were putting on a display.  Come walk with me and I'll show you a few of my favorites...

This one smelled soooo good.
I just love to bury my nose right in the heart of the flower and breathe...

Now for a stroll by the early peonies...there will be more later.

And, I'll leave you with a lilac and a butterfly.

Hope your blood pressure has lowered, your pulse slowed, and a sense of the miraculous is in your spirit.

Thank you for reading.  I appreciate you more than I can say.
Linky Parties (not listed on side bar)
The View From Right Here


  1. Indeed, Robin! That is heaven on Earth - flowers are a true gift and blessing!

    And you even have a pretty spring name to boot!

    1. I've never thought about my name in that way. Thank you so much.

  2. Seeing a beautiful garden full of flowers
    always lowers my blood pressure..
    thanks for sharing

  3. Thank you for sharing Robin. Flowers always bring a smile to my face.

  4. Beautiful. Funnily enough just looking at the pictures made me relax.

  5. Thanks for sharing your garden. I love the deep purple iris, mine aren't that deep purple, wish I had some like your. Also thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a message. I think I have Mr. Linky working now.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Gorgeous post - so nice to be seeing blooms in a garden....xoox, tracie

  8. Lovely! Just what we need! Thanks for popping over and telling me about my quilt.

  9. There are so many different colorful flowers are shown in the gardens.Gardens are look so beautiful with colorful flowers.Natural art and creations are so fabulous.Man does not comment on the nature creations.It seen so beautiful greenery.

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  10. How beautiful! My iris are just starting to come alive here in Nebraska.

    Visiting you from Weekly Top Shot. :)

  11. Gorgeous shots. None of these are in bloom here yet. Those irises are huge!

  12. Exquisite! thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina


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