Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Last weekend we were in the backyard looking at all the wonderful iris' blooming, sticking our noses in them to breath their wonderful fragrances, and our daughter noticed something rustling on the ground.  She thought it was a bird gathering nesting materials, but this is what she saw...  

It was a nest of bunnies at the base of a birch tree!  We were all so excited to see such small bunnies and so many.  There were at least 10 in the nest that we could count.  When we tried to check the nest the next day, the mother rabbit has completely covered the nest with leaves and rabbit fur--the babies could not been seen at all.  Good mother rabbit.

Today I went to check on them and the nest was empty...bunnies mature very quickly and can reproduce in six months!  (Don't say this blog isn't informative!)

When we turned around and looked up...(sorry for the awful picture, but I had to show you)

It was a robin sitting on her nest!  We are a wildlife nursery.  A few days later we discovered another nest  on the front of the house--the problem in the front is bird droppings EVERYWHERE!  Not a pretty sight, I'll spare you those photos...for now.

Never one to leave you with a bad photo, stop and smell our lilacs...

 As always, I appreciate you stopping by.

I hope you're enjoying the miracle of recreation this Spring.  Put your nose in some flowers and just breathe....aaaahhhh!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Oh how delightful!

    I love your children are able to see nature in such an intimate way!

    As for the baby bunnies, sure hope something didn't get them - was there any sign of a disturbance? I do like to think they trotted off to begin their bunny lives....but little ones have such vulnerability to so many preditors.

    Love your lilac - hoping again hope ours blooms soon.....we had w weird frosts as the buds were forming, so we'll soon see. Crossing my fingers!

  3. You have a spring wonderland!!! So much fun. Thanks for making me ooohhh and ahhh over nature's gifts! Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina

  4. The bunnies are adorable. I find it odd that I don't see so many babies - but as you say, they mature pretty fast!

  5. Robin, The baby bunnies are so cute! Love the lilacs and following.
    Hugs, Sherry

  6. How wonderful! Your place is a sanctuary where they feel safe and comfortable. Thanks for sharing :)

  7. Oh my gosh, those bunnies are SO adorable, love those little ears! Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot... :-)

  8. Cute little bunnies- I see the adults all the time, but never the younger ones.

  9. Oh how very sweet they look all cuddled together. And birds too! The lilacs are gorgeous.

  10. Oh those baby bunnies are too sweet. I would have been very tempted to pick one up.

  11. oh such lovely baby bunnies...what a heartwarming discovery.

  12. I've never seen a nest of bunnies... wow!

  13. We had a nest of baby bunnies in our front yard last year. They started running out from under the pine straw when we were working in the yard. So fun and cute.

  14. How sweet! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!


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