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Wednesday, January 10, 2024


 What a wonderful thing to celebrate after Christmas—Love and Valentine’s Day 

Each year I love taking down the Christmas decorations and the feeling of cleanliness but after that, I love getting out my beautiful Godiva chocolate boxes from years past.  Godiva discontinued these this year.

Thursday, September 16, 2021




Minimal Book Shelf

Minimal Kitchen

A little something in a dead corner

Something for the little guy in our lives

Friday, February 05, 2021


These are the best biscuits I have ever made...but, they are the only biscuits I’ve ever made from scratch.  What is wrong with me?  Honestly!

Saying all of that, I’ve only had homemade biscuits once before that I remember.  People, we are all missing out!  I don’t ever want anything else—these are that good.  They simply melt in your mouth.  The strange looking pieces are the scraps.  I just couldn’t resist those little nuggets.   They were just miss shaped deliciousness!

To give credit to the wonderful  blog I stumbled across, thanks to Pinterest, it is Baker by Nature @  As you can tell, the biscuits extraordinaire are called White Cheddar, Bacon and Apple Biscuits.  Take a cruise around her blog, but make these biscuits today!

Thanks for the visit!  See you next time something happens I can share with you. 

Friday, January 01, 2021

HAPPY 2021!!!

May 2021 be 


    the year we


    we have all

       been waiting for

         ðŸ’¥HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!💥

Monday, December 28, 2020


 Christmas is in our rear view and things are starting to find their way back into the Christmas closet, but today I’ll reminisce with the warmest thoughts of this year’s gathering...

May 2021 bring you unexpected joy!